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Top 30 Season 60 Standings - Races Won
Pos | Name | R/W/P/S | $ Won | Winning % | |
#1 Jake Dog Racing | 1 | Jake Dog Racing | 195/54/31/27 | 29,405.50 | 27.69 |
#2 Pancho Racing Stables | 2 | Pancho Racing Stables | 329/53/56/46 | 17,657.40 | 16.11 |
#3 Taylorandtaryn | 3 | Taylorandtaryn | 218/34/43/42 | 24,288.90 | 15.60 |
#4 Trunoble Lodge | 4 | Trunoble Lodge | 136/26/24/22 | 4,715.25 | 19.12 |
#5 Chrisman | 5 | Chrisman | 106/22/14/18 | 2,962 | 20.75 |
#6 Flip Farms | 6 | Flip Farms | 71/16/11/11 | 2,873.70 | 22.54 |
#7 Winning420 | 7 | Winning420 | 75/15/18/15 | 0 | 20.00 |
#8 Dutton Ranch | 8 | Dutton Ranch | 51/14/7/12 | 10,387.50 | 27.45 |
#9 Dash Stables | 9 | Dash Stables | 70/13/14/11 | 8,424.40 | 18.57 |
#10 Muck Farms | 10 | Muck Farms | 48/12/6/12 | 331.20 | 25.00 |
#11 Black Ace Stable | 11 | Black Ace Stable | 60/12/14/11 | 4,275 | 20.00 |
#12 Carlton Lodge | 12 | Carlton Lodge | 74/9/18/6 | 6,049.25 | 12.16 |
#13 Let’s Travel | 13 | Let’s Travel | 45/8/6/10 | 0 | 17.78 |
#14 Totoro Stables | 14 | Totoro Stables | 48/7/6/10 | 145.80 | 14.58 |
#15 Bobby Dazzler | 15 | Bobby Dazzler | 41/6/3/7 | 15,837.50 | 14.63 |
#16 Dynamo | 16 | Dynamo | 46/6/14/5 | 0 | 13.04 |
#17 Vertical Stables | 17 | Vertical Stables | 33/6/4/8 | 0 | 18.18 |
#18 Wando Stables | 18 | Wando Stables | 55/5/6/12 | 0 | 9.09 |
#19 And More Racing Stable | 19 | And More Racing Stable | 43/4/5/8 | 9,745 | 9.30 |
#20 Miller Racing Stable | 20 | Miller Racing Stable | 36/4/4/6 | 0 | 11.11 |
#21 Aloya | 21 | Aloya | 44/4/13/11 | 11,570.25 | 9.09 |
#22 The French Quarter | 22 | The French Quarter | 29/3/4/3 | 0 | 10.34 |
#23 Parched Corn Hollow | 23 | Parched Corn Hollow | 18/3/3/3 | 0 | 16.67 |
#24 Tri-City Stables | 24 | Tri-City Stables | 26/2/6/4 | 225 | 7.69 |
#25 Bald Farm Inc | 25 | Bald Farm Inc | 18/2/2/2 | 105 | 11.11 |
#26 North Monastery Stables | 26 | North Monastery Stables | 28/2/4/5 | 330 | 7.14 |
#27 Premier Stables | 27 | Premier Stables | 5/1/0/2 | 0 | 20.00 |
#28 Nemesis | 28 | Nemesis | 3/1/0/1 | 0 | 33.33 |
#29 Creekside Stables | 29 | Creekside Stables | 13/1/1/4 | 556 | 7.69 |
#30 Prestage Stables | 30 | Prestage Stables | 17/1/2/2 | 0 | 5.88 |
Top 30 Season 60 Standings - Money Won
Pos | Name | R/W/P/S | $ Won | Winning % | |
#1 Jake Dog Racing | 1 | Jake Dog Racing | 195/54/31/27 | 29,405.50 | 27.69 |
#2 Taylorandtaryn | 2 | Taylorandtaryn | 218/34/43/42 | 24,288.90 | 15.60 |
#3 Pancho Racing Stables | 3 | Pancho Racing Stables | 329/53/56/46 | 17,657.40 | 16.11 |
#4 Bobby Dazzler | 4 | Bobby Dazzler | 41/6/3/7 | 15,837.50 | 14.63 |
#5 Aloya | 5 | Aloya | 44/4/13/11 | 11,570.25 | 9.09 |
#6 Dutton Ranch | 6 | Dutton Ranch | 51/14/7/12 | 10,387.50 | 27.45 |
#7 And More Racing Stable | 7 | And More Racing Stable | 43/4/5/8 | 9,745 | 9.30 |
#8 Dash Stables | 8 | Dash Stables | 70/13/14/11 | 8,424.40 | 18.57 |
#9 Carlton Lodge | 9 | Carlton Lodge | 74/9/18/6 | 6,049.25 | 12.16 |
#10 Trunoble Lodge | 10 | Trunoble Lodge | 136/26/24/22 | 4,715.25 | 19.12 |
#11 Black Ace Stable | 11 | Black Ace Stable | 60/12/14/11 | 4,275 | 20.00 |
#12 Chrisman | 12 | Chrisman | 106/22/14/18 | 2,962 | 20.75 |
#13 Flip Farms | 13 | Flip Farms | 71/16/11/11 | 2,873.70 | 22.54 |
#14 Creekside Stables | 14 | Creekside Stables | 13/1/1/4 | 556 | 7.69 |
#15 Muck Farms | 15 | Muck Farms | 48/12/6/12 | 331.20 | 25.00 |
#16 North Monastery Stables | 16 | North Monastery Stables | 28/2/4/5 | 330 | 7.14 |
#17 Star Of The Desert | 17 | Star Of The Desert | 6/0/1/2 | 312 | 0.00 |
#18 Tri-City Stables | 18 | Tri-City Stables | 26/2/6/4 | 225 | 7.69 |
#19 Totoro Stables | 19 | Totoro Stables | 48/7/6/10 | 145.80 | 14.58 |
#20 Bald Farm Inc | 20 | Bald Farm Inc | 18/2/2/2 | 105 | 11.11 |
#21 Let’s Travel | 21 | Let’s Travel | 45/8/6/10 | 0 | 17.78 |
#22 Miller Racing Stable | 22 | Miller Racing Stable | 36/4/4/6 | 0 | 11.11 |
#23 Queens Court Stables | 23 | Queens Court Stables | 15/0/0/1 | 0 | 0.00 |
#24 Donovan Stables | 24 | Donovan Stables | 9/0/1/1 | 0 | 0.00 |
#25 Prestage Stables | 25 | Prestage Stables | 17/1/2/2 | 0 | 5.88 |
#26 Northland | 26 | Northland | 5/0/2/0 | 0 | 0.00 |
#27 Dynamo | 27 | Dynamo | 46/6/14/5 | 0 | 13.04 |
#28 Vertical Stables | 28 | Vertical Stables | 33/6/4/8 | 0 | 18.18 |
#29 Rodnson Stable | 29 | Rodnson Stable | 5/0/0/2 | 0 | 0.00 |
#30 Wando Stables | 30 | Wando Stables | 55/5/6/12 | 0 | 9.09 |
Top 50 Lifetime Standings - Races Won
Pos | Name | R/W/P/S | $ Won | Winning % | |
#1 Pancho Racing Stables | 1 | Pancho Racing Stables | 8615/1535/1557/1484 | 988,407.98 | 17.82 |
#2 Induna | 2 | Induna | 6348/1284/1100/1026 | 838,180.35 | 20.23 |
#3 Taylorandtaryn | 3 | Taylorandtaryn | 6991/1127/1226/1161 | 1,006,905.76 | 16.12 |
#4 Jake Dog Racing | 4 | Jake Dog Racing | 5931/1116/1068/969 | 528,549.33 | 18.82 |
#5 Black Ace Stable | 5 | Black Ace Stable | 4456/999/789/722 | 355,282.28 | 22.42 |
#6 Chrisman | 6 | Chrisman | 5999/972/961/925 | 972,496.30 | 16.20 |
#7 Totoro Stables | 7 | Totoro Stables | 4609/702/758/836 | 345,556.44 | 15.23 |
#8 Carlton Lodge | 8 | Carlton Lodge | 4687/678/786/816 | 490,983.65 | 14.47 |
#9 Greeko Holdem | 9 | Greeko Holdem | 2513/648/465/379 | 282,297.18 | 25.79 |
#10 Flip Farms | 10 | Flip Farms | 2600/606/425/385 | 375,182.54 | 23.31 |
#11 Dash Stables | 11 | Dash Stables | 2734/448/480/448 | 291,060.00 | 16.39 |
#12 Winning420 | 12 | Winning420 | 2074/411/418/360 | 196,220.35 | 19.82 |
#13 Foggydan Farms | 13 | Foggydan Farms | 2457/405/406/388 | 350,172.28 | 16.48 |
#14 Aloya | 14 | Aloya | 1912/387/309/271 | 98,179.81 | 20.24 |
#15 Tri-City Stables | 15 | Tri-City Stables | 2066/378/366/343 | 329,932.62 | 18.30 |
#16 Stall Srs Ab | 16 | Stall Srs Ab | 2857/374/434/450 | 441,072.03 | 13.09 |
#17 Muck Farms | 17 | Muck Farms | 1841/347/327/328 | 25,583.31 | 18.85 |
#18 Creekside Stables | 18 | Creekside Stables | 2638/341/390/418 | 537,550.07 | 12.93 |
#19 Trunoble Lodge | 19 | Trunoble Lodge | 1609/263/303/259 | 143,046.40 | 16.35 |
#20 Sweet Stables | 20 | Sweet Stables | 1789/258/283/298 | 589,131.98 | 14.42 |
Top 50 Lifetime Standings - Money Won
Pos | Name | R/W/P/S | $ Won | Winning % | |
#1 Taylorandtaryn | 1 | Taylorandtaryn | 6991/1127/1226/1161 | 1,006,905.76 | 16.12 |
#2 Pancho Racing Stables | 2 | Pancho Racing Stables | 8615/1535/1557/1484 | 988,407.98 | 17.82 |
#3 Chrisman | 3 | Chrisman | 5999/972/961/925 | 972,496.30 | 16.20 |
#4 Induna | 4 | Induna | 6348/1284/1100/1026 | 838,180.35 | 20.23 |
#5 Sweet Stables | 5 | Sweet Stables | 1789/258/283/298 | 589,131.98 | 14.42 |
#6 Creekside Stables | 6 | Creekside Stables | 2638/341/390/418 | 537,550.07 | 12.93 |
#7 Jake Dog Racing | 7 | Jake Dog Racing | 5931/1116/1068/969 | 528,549.33 | 18.82 |
#8 Carlton Lodge | 8 | Carlton Lodge | 4687/678/786/816 | 490,983.65 | 14.47 |
#9 Stall Srs Ab | 9 | Stall Srs Ab | 2857/374/434/450 | 441,072.03 | 13.09 |
#10 Bobby Dazzler | 10 | Bobby Dazzler | 1887/229/253/257 | 434,818.85 | 12.14 |
#11 Flip Farms | 11 | Flip Farms | 2600/606/425/385 | 375,182.54 | 23.31 |
#12 Black Ace Stable | 12 | Black Ace Stable | 4456/999/789/722 | 355,282.28 | 22.42 |
#13 Foggydan Farms | 13 | Foggydan Farms | 2457/405/406/388 | 350,172.28 | 16.48 |
#14 Totoro Stables | 14 | Totoro Stables | 4609/702/758/836 | 345,556.44 | 15.23 |
#15 Tri-City Stables | 15 | Tri-City Stables | 2066/378/366/343 | 329,932.62 | 18.30 |
#16 Dash Stables | 16 | Dash Stables | 2734/448/480/448 | 291,060.00 | 16.39 |
#17 Greeko Holdem | 17 | Greeko Holdem | 2513/648/465/379 | 282,297.18 | 25.79 |
#18 Dutton Ranch | 18 | Dutton Ranch | 2039/252/266/350 | 220,565.90 | 12.36 |
#19 And More Racing Stable | 19 | And More Racing Stable | 1845/200/257/327 | 217,575.60 | 10.84 |
#20 Winning420 | 20 | Winning420 | 2074/411/418/360 | 196,220.35 | 19.82 |