Digital Crown (DC) Details

Once a season there are 3 legs of racing for the DC Crown. It takes place near the end of each season during April, August and December prior to end of season Elite Cup Championships. Thes races are open to enter by any 3yo colt/gelding and/or 3yo filly. Where entries exceed the max gate amount horses with DC qualifying points will be accepted first. In the event that the max entries are not met than horses with points will be accepted first followed by horses with zero DC points. To qualify your horse for one of these races, accumulating points is the best approach.

Points are earned by finishing 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in a Graded Stakes race in the same season that the race is to take place. Grade 1 finishers receive 80, 60, and 40 points respectively. Grade 2 finishers receive 60, 40, and 20 points. Grade 3 finishers receive 40, 20, and 10. Additionally, non-restricted stakes race finishers will receive points for finishing 1st through 12th based on field size. Max points for unrestricted stakes races are 13 points for 1st and 1 point for last place.

Current Qualifying Points Standings

There is a maximum of 12 horses for each race.

Select Season


Season - 60

Series Type Series Schedule Total Races Series Code Status
DC Digital Downs Crown 2025-04-05 , 2025-04-12 , 2025-04-19 3 TC LEADUP

TC Series Crown Races

Race Date Race Num Time Track Dist Surface Race Type
04/05/2025 Race #70 17:50 Digital Downs 1 1/4m Dirt Good DC Digital Downs Derby G1
Winner :
Race Date Race Num Time Track Dist Surface Race Type
04/12/2025 Race #70 17:45 Philadelphia Downs 1 1/8m Dirt Good DC Virtual PRK G1
Winner :
Race Date Race Num Time Track Dist Surface Race Type
04/19/2025 Race #70 17:55 New York Downs 1 1/2m Dirt Good DC Virtual Bel G1
Winner :

Virtual Horse Racing Game

Have you ever wanted to breed, own and race your own stable of race horses? Well now you can. At Digital Downs you can breed, train and own your very own racing stable of virtual race horses racing in very exciting 3D horse races.

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