Top 50 3 Year Old Virtual Race Horses

Virtual Horse Racing Stakes Standings

Digital Downs Top 50 3yo Virtual Race Horses

Current Season Races Won
Horse R/W/P/S Money Won
Jacked Up Jake (KY) 10/6/0/1 684963
Alien Seeker (KY) 8/6/0/1 99686
Seventh Gentleman (NY) 8/5/2/1 427063
Didonefordan (KY) 6/5/0/0 48720
Ball Point (NY) 8/5/1/0 354858
Zandons Landons (PA) 9/4/1/2 94895
Ember Light (FL) 5/4/1/0 396554
Tremendous Spirit (KY) 8/4/0/1 282007
Tina Shiva (KY) 6/4/0/2 336687
Secret King (KY) 6/4/0/0 26170
Double Down Spy (NY) 9/4/2/1 409128
Warriors Take Charge (NY) 7/4/2/0 183078
Helpmeonmyjourney (KY) 8/4/0/0 251585
Tremble (KY) 7/4/1/1 102311
Star Tap (FL) 9/4/2/2 85988
Notallthatspecial (KY) 6/4/1/0 20280
Yeti The Great (NY) 6/4/0/2 56980
Double Down Prince (KY) 8/4/1/0 247822
Captain Carolina (KY) 8/4/2/2 467110
Keep Complaining (KY) 6/4/1/0 70600
The Mad Dentist (KY) 6/4/0/0 86350
Dancing (FL) 6/4/1/0 136135
Meepmeep (KY) 5/3/0/0 310558
Golden Chance (KY) 8/3/3/1 207827
Proud Catch (CA) 4/3/0/0 62425
Big Quick Shiva (KY) 5/3/1/1 191575
Mystic Thrill (KY) 5/3/0/1 180453
Highland Princess (NY) 8/3/1/2 204193
Bad Boomer (FL) 10/3/2/0 39695
Devine Equine (KY) 6/3/1/0 60431
Captain Jack (KY) 8/3/3/0 126140
This Radio For Sure (NY) 8/3/2/0 252748
Colonel Days (NY) 5/3/1/0 49800
Red Field (FL) 6/3/0/0 143154
Shock And Oath (KY) 6/3/1/0 145963
American Nightmare (PA) 9/3/1/4 474720
Red Resurgence (KY) 7/3/0/0 46275
Courtesy Music (NY) 6/3/0/1 61723
Domino Commander (NY) 5/3/1/0 85600
Gold Necklace (NY) 7/3/2/1 376267
Turkohooves (NY) 11/3/1/3 51826
Ember Angel (NY) 7/3/1/2 519559
Bitter Bounce (KY) 4/3/0/0 45100
Life Is Charmed (PA) 8/3/2/2 62604
Empiricity (KY) 5/3/1/1 351490
Licorice Detective (KY) 3/3/0/0 49775
Stormy Sunday (KY) 9/3/1/2 448901
Esteemed Moon (CA) 10/3/2/1 66072
Three Card Monte (CA) 5/3/1/0 169090
Luna Pier (NY) 7/3/0/0 94320

Current Season - Money Won
Horse R/W/P/S Money Won
Jacked Up Jake (KY) 10/6/0/1 684963
Ember Angel (NY) 7/3/1/2 519559
American Nightmare (PA) 9/3/1/4 474720
Captain Carolina (KY) 8/4/2/2 467110
Stormy Sunday (KY) 9/3/1/2 448901
Seventh Gentleman (NY) 8/5/2/1 427063
Double Down Spy (NY) 9/4/2/1 409128
Hope At Midnight (FL) 7/3/2/1 397784
Ember Light (FL) 5/4/1/0 396554
Gold Necklace (NY) 7/3/2/1 376267
Ball Point (NY) 8/5/1/0 354858
Heiswhatithought (KY) 7/2/3/0 353810
Empiricity (KY) 5/3/1/1 351490
Tina Shiva (KY) 6/4/0/2 336687
Meepmeep (KY) 5/3/0/0 310558
Dirty (KY) 8/2/2/2 301512
Toothless Tiger (NY) 6/2/0/3 295798
Tremendous Spirit (KY) 8/4/0/1 282007
Big Mel (KY) 6/2/1/1 275515
Dream Chaser (NY) 7/3/1/0 273634
Liviaissmartandfast (KY) 5/2/0/0 261530
Happy Friday (KY) 5/2/0/2 256980
Devine Fighter (KY) 5/2/0/1 256790
This Radio For Sure (NY) 8/3/2/0 252748
Helpmeonmyjourney (KY) 8/4/0/0 251585
Double Down Prince (KY) 8/4/1/0 247822
Doctor Longway (NY) 9/3/3/0 242454
Seventh Chord (NY) 8/2/5/0 232910
Black Ops (FL) 6/2/0/1 230110
Surge Relief (KY) 6/1/2/2 222785
Kay N Vee (KY) 6/2/0/1 218023
Final Form (KY) 7/1/1/1 213250
Surveillance (KY) 3/1/0/1 208000
Golden Chance (KY) 8/3/3/1 207827
Carolina Queen (KY) 5/2/1/0 205335
The Long Mile (FL) 6/2/3/0 205195
Highland Princess (NY) 8/3/1/2 204193
Music To My Ears (FL) 6/1/5/0 193081
Big Quick Shiva (KY) 5/3/1/1 191575
Rachael Alexander (KY) 8/2/1/0 184906
Warriors Take Charge (NY) 7/4/2/0 183078
Mystic Thrill (KY) 5/3/0/1 180453
Sweetheart Deal (KY) 2/1/0/1 177940
First Time (FL) 5/3/1/0 176029
Barbonarchas (PA) 6/2/1/0 175210
Theladyisgoingtorace (KY) 8/2/1/0 171650
Three Card Monte (CA) 5/3/1/0 169090
King Shiva (NY) 7/2/2/1 165958
Captain Crunch (KY) 7/2/1/1 162715
City Of Troy (PA) 2/2/0/0 160875

Lifetime - Races Won
Horse R/W/P/S Money Won
Rachael Alexander (KY) 24/8/5/0 1162011
Stormy Sunday (KY) 18/8/3/2 721539
Kay N Vee (KY) 17/8/1/3 865858
Liviaissmartandfast (KY) 21/8/1/1 991979
Slayer (KY) 11/7/1/0 192215
Tap Tap Alex (KY) 19/7/2/3 134700
Agent Anita (KY) 39/7/8/6 202890
American Nightmare (PA) 21/7/5/5 855627
Line Of Interest (NY) 30/7/7/7 260126
Short Ass (CA) 16/7/2/1 194000
Easy Peasy (FL) 18/7/1/3 258205
Pursuit Of Happiness (KY) 21/7/2/3 672358
The Trill Of Victory (NY) 25/7/5/5 352740
Garrys Stayer (FL) 24/7/4/2 93320
Final Form (KY) 17/7/2/3 1159496
Silver Surge (NY) 16/6/1/2 714570
Notassmartastherest (KY) 16/6/3/3 58305
Shesnottoobad (KY) 11/6/2/1 72900
Hegotgreedy (KY) 15/6/4/3 51240
Value Moon (KY) 14/6/2/1 465198
Tapping Keenly (KY) 14/6/1/2 124095
Jacked Up Jake (KY) 10/6/0/1 684963
Nervous Nervessa (NY) 12/6/0/1 83838
Outsides D Lines (KY) 19/6/1/3 202833
Tremendous Trillion (KY) 19/6/2/2 411698
Proton Crack (PA) 12/6/1/0 349590
Time To Win (KY) 30/6/6/9 235301
The Cuban Dictator (KY) 15/6/5/0 200968
Lightatdendofdroad (FL) 20/6/5/3 321789
Alien Seeker (KY) 8/6/0/1 99686
Just Win (KY) 21/6/3/4 136711
D Huntsman (KY) 22/6/5/3 381535
Hereismyspecialboy (KY) 16/6/3/1 473634
Silent Harmony (FL) 12/6/2/2 481291
Tiz A Destroyer (NY) 17/5/4/2 607689
Diplomat Rocket (KY) 14/5/2/4 414840
Manage Your Business (KY) 23/5/5/4 169236
Validated (FL) 8/5/0/0 384285
Her Barb (NY) 11/5/1/1 148883
Seventh Gentleman (NY) 8/5/2/1 427063
Didonefordan (KY) 6/5/0/0 48720
Red Resurgence (KY) 14/5/1/4 121650
Tha Champ (KY) 22/5/2/5 99027
Ball Point (NY) 8/5/1/0 354858
Duble Tap Da Coconut (FL) 20/5/3/6 619853
Double Vanilla (NY) 20/5/2/3 425377
Tntknowshowtoclipem (KY) 15/5/4/1 104874
Getting Low (KY) 15/5/2/2 346758
Shameless Shimmy (NY) 10/5/0/0 321380
Pencil It In (KY) 25/5/4/6 430820

Lifetime - Money Won
Horse R/W/P/S Money Won
Rachael Alexander (KY) 24/8/5/0 1162011
Final Form (KY) 17/7/2/3 1159496
Liviaissmartandfast (KY) 21/8/1/1 991979
Rare Air (CA) 14/3/5/1 867595
Kay N Vee (KY) 17/8/1/3 865858
American Nightmare (PA) 21/7/5/5 855627
Theladyisgoingtorace (KY) 26/5/6/1 829393
Stormy Sunday (KY) 18/8/3/2 721539
Silver Surge (NY) 16/6/1/2 714570
Legendary Commander (NY) 20/3/6/5 710799
Magistrate (KY) 24/1/10/1 709498
Jacked Up Jake (KY) 10/6/0/1 684963
Pursuit Of Happiness (KY) 21/7/2/3 672358
Building Blocks (NY) 19/4/2/3 645940
The Chosen One (NY) 14/3/2/4 638871
Gonnabacktoback (KY) 22/4/8/1 620120
Duble Tap Da Coconut (FL) 20/5/3/6 619853
Tiz A Destroyer (NY) 17/5/4/2 607689
Liviaisaspecialone (KY) 23/3/5/3 604723
Take The Cannoli (NY) 17/5/1/3 595574
Empire (KY) 16/3/1/3 544011
Are You Ready (KY) 16/4/4/3 532833
Straight From Above (KY) 18/4/4/3 527359
Ember Angel (NY) 7/3/1/2 519559
Hope At Midnight (FL) 11/5/3/2 496399
Elusive Dancer (CA) 13/5/1/3 489105
Dynamite N Diamonds (NY) 11/5/0/1 482650
Silent Harmony (FL) 12/6/2/2 481291
Hereismyspecialboy (KY) 16/6/3/1 473634
Shegetsthewindtoblow (KY) 23/3/3/5 468462
Captain Carolina (KY) 8/4/2/2 467110
Golden Dove (FL) 12/4/1/3 466443
Value Moon (KY) 14/6/2/1 465198
Outlaw (KY) 15/4/3/2 462406
Super Swift (PA) 13/3/1/3 460740
Pancho Back On Top (KY) 30/4/8/5 443336
Hit King (CA) 14/5/2/4 439540
Pencil It In (KY) 25/5/4/6 430820
Seventh Gentleman (NY) 8/5/2/1 427063
Double Vanilla (NY) 20/5/2/3 425377
Moonshine Monarchos (PA) 16/3/1/4 422533
Diplomat Rocket (KY) 14/5/2/4 414840
Tremendous Trillion (KY) 19/6/2/2 411698
Double Down Spy (NY) 9/4/2/1 409128
Candy Floss (KY) 20/3/2/1 398619
Ember Light (FL) 5/4/1/0 396554
Lovestocomehome (KY) 20/3/5/3 396514
Sweetheart Deal (KY) 7/2/2/1 392015
Dr Ce Ce (FL) 11/4/3/1 387433
Validated (FL) 8/5/0/0 384285

Virtual Horse Racing Game

Have you ever wanted to breed, own and race your own stable of race horses? Well now you can. At Digital Downs you can breed, train and own your very own racing stable of virtual race horses racing in very exciting 3D horse races.

We have a lively interactive social community of virtual horse game enthusiasts from all over the horse racing world. Owning your own virtual horse stable can put you in charge of a thoroughbred racing dynasty online

Find out what top thoroughbred owners and trainers do to prepare their horses for upcoming virtual horse racing events. After breeding your foal and analyzing your yearling horse, your caring and training routine will get your two year old colt or filly ready for it's virtual racing debut. Identify and enter the correct races for your virtual horse, prep for the race with his training routine, give your jockey racing instructions, then relax and watch 3D horse racing at its best. You will be on the edge of your screen rooting for your virtual thoroughbred as he turns for the stretch and kicks it in top gear to reach the finish line first. This is the only horse game that can provide this level of realism.

This exciting horse game allows horse racing fans, whether new or old, to experience the most realistic, heart-pounding, exciting virtual horse gaming experience. Stables compete for top standings and awards in our online horse game. Will your horses have what it takes to earn top racing honors and Digital Championships with you as breeder, owner, and trainer?

Register today to start building your stable of champion virtual horses.