And More Racing Stable

  • Joining Date : 2015-08-09
  • Wins : 1571

Championship Wins: 5


  R-W-P-S Earnings Win/ITM EPR
Career 12499-1571-1853-1984 $63,146,772 12.57/43.27 5052.15
60 215-22-34-33 $1,449,533 10.23/41.40 6742.01
59 425-31-73-69 $1,643,148 7.29/40.71 3866.23
58 607-74-102-105 $4,276,701 12.19/46.29 7045.64
57 735-76-79-140 $2,714,802 10.34/40.14 3693.61
56 349-18-37-63 $1,207,220 5.16/33.81 3459.08
55 312-34-44-38 $2,399,024 10.90/37.18 7689.18
54 555-72-63-93 $2,384,127 12.97/41.08 4295.72
53 519-38-55-66 $2,430,661 7.32/30.64 4683.35
52 428-46-63-64 $2,393,931 10.75/40.42 5593.30
51 611-101-94-106 $3,244,329 16.53/49.26 5309.87
50 983-141-137-153 $7,437,126 14.34/43.85 7565.74
49 986-152-152-167 $7,275,133 15.42/47.77 7378.43
48 1110-177-194-156 $6,966,101 15.95/47.48 6275.77
47 722-94-114-105 $3,559,989 13.02/43.35 4930.73
46 583-70-91-76 $2,859,825 12.01/40.65 4905.36
45 411-57-69-71 $1,211,441 13.87/47.93 2947.55
44 281-55-53-37 $1,164,808 19.57/51.60 4145.22
43 276-39-38-49 $1,295,058 14.13/45.65 4692.24
42 304-41-53-51 $1,432,411 13.49/47.70 4711.88
41 306-35-52-52 $1,314,115 11.44/45.42 4294.49
40 328-27-45-46 $831,275 8.23/35.98 2534.38
39 393-44-67-71 $1,256,808 11.20/46.31 3197.98
38 225-20-36-34 $645,002 8.89/40.00 2866.68
37 142-13-21-20 $531,328 9.15/38.03 3741.75
36 316-36-38-60 $823,217 11.39/42.41 2605.12
35 181-22-19-26 $260,253 12.15/37.02 1437.86
34 183-31-27-29 $377,971 16.94/47.54 2065.42
33 67-9-13-9 $96,518 13.43/46.27 1440.57
32 24-3-4-3 $19,814 12.50/41.67 825.58
31 5-1-1-2 $6,776 20.00/80.00 1355.20


  R-W-P-S Earnings Win/ITM EPR
Career 1800-184-221-253 $25,626,320 10.22/36.56 14236.84
60 27-2-4-6 $550,900 7.41/44.44 20403.70
59 56-2-3-6 $415,310 3.57/19.64 7416.25
58 75-12-16-10 $2,526,225 16.00/50.67 33683.00
57 52-3-4-9 $701,155 5.77/30.77 13483.75
56 36-1-0-6 $325,910 2.78/19.44 9053.06
55 76-5-13-9 $1,333,670 6.58/35.53 17548.29
54 38-2-2-4 $307,400 5.26/21.05 8089.47
53 77-6-8-15 $850,884 7.79/37.66 11050.44
52 68-5-8-14 $953,578 7.35/39.71 14023.21
51 106-8-10-15 $1,127,433 7.55/31.13 10636.16
50 198-23-28-16 $3,428,320 11.62/33.84 17314.75
49 116-18-12-21 $3,261,130 15.52/43.97 28113.19
48 64-9-9-6 $1,539,425 14.06/37.50 24053.52
47 88-10-12-10 $1,486,843 11.36/36.36 16895.94
46 83-9-10-11 $1,365,180 10.84/36.14 16447.95
45 47-3-5-6 $314,900 6.38/29.79 6700.00
44 45-6-3-7 $445,575 13.33/35.56 9901.67
43 68-7-8-10 $504,531 10.29/36.76 7419.57
42 76-8-16-16 $920,780 10.53/52.63 12115.53
41 85-11-12-19 $916,728 12.94/49.41 10785.04
40 43-3-6-7 $381,853 6.98/37.21 8880.30
39 63-11-6-7 $738,053 17.46/38.10 11715.13
38 49-2-8-5 $282,712 4.08/30.61 5769.63
37 66-5-11-4 $314,448 7.58/30.30 4764.36
36 56-8-6-8 $498,396 14.29/39.29 8899.93
35 24-1-1-2 $45,857 4.17/16.67 1910.71
34 21-4-1-3 $90,449 19.05/38.10 4307.10
33 3-0-0-1 $15,025 0.00/33.33 5008.33
32 0-0-0-0 $0 NaN/NaN NaN
31 0-0-0-0 $0 NaN/NaN NaN
Top Sire By Foal Earnings
After Shock (CA)$1,563,168
Stand Up To Honor$1,758,063
Magic Horseshoes$2,781,987
Alibi Empire (KY)$2,003,759
All In Shove$1,901,335
Down On My Luck$1,543,491
Cuckoos Nest (FL)$337,635
Lose Yourself (CA)$696,212
Top Mare By Foal Earnings
Finallycamethrough (KY)$222,785
Tarynrunslikethewind (KY)$814,589
Twilight Tear$2,027,112
I Aint Mad At Cha$371,806
Market Rebound (KY)$2,437,828
Champagne Anyone$952,791
Lick It$496,572
Broom Racer$1,162,438
No Sale (KY)$66,690
Sonic Thunderbolt (NY)$826,516
DD Awards 0
Meet Titles 0
TC Wins 0
BC Wins 0
Grade I Wins 24
Grade II Wins 35
Grade III Wins 16
  R-W-P-S Win% Earnings
MAIDEN CLAIM21-1-6-34.76$47,260
STARTER ALLOWANCE3-0-1-10.00$34,260
GRADED STAKES21-1-3-54.76$468,850

Virtual Horse Racing Game

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